Editorial Policy
The Anime Atelier team is committed to objective, thorough, and transparent reporting related to anime, manga, light novel, webtoon, and other Japanese-media inspired content, that includes, but is not limited to news, reviews, analyses, and opinions. Our editorial policy serves as a guide to ensure the highest standards of journalistic integrity, accuracy, and fairness in everything we publish.
Independence and Objectivity
We prioritize independence in our content. Our editorial team is committed to offering unbiased reviews and analyses, free from external pressures, financial incentives, or influence from advertisers, and sponsors. All paid or sponsored content will be accompanied by a disclaimer, as will any product the team receives for free for review purposes.
Accuracy and Accountability
We strive for accuracy in every article, review, and analysis we publish. Our editorial team fact-checks information before publication to ensure that it meets the professional standards of journalistic accuracy. If errors happen, we will do our best to promptly correct them while adding a note specifying what the changes were (in case of typos there will be no note). We encourage readers to contact our editorial team if they spot any inaccuracies.
Fairness and Balance
Our reviews, analyses, and opinion pieces are based on facts and informed opinions of the author. When dealing with pieces involving conflicting viewpoints, we will aim to present all relevant perspectives fairly, while providing sufficient context to help our readers make informed decisions.
We disclose potential conflicts of interest that may arise in our work. If our editorial team has a direct relationship or connection to a product, company, or individual discussed in our reviews, this will be clearly stated in the article through a visible disclaimer at the bottom of the article and a proper category (Sponsored Content). Clear labeling helps to distinguish sponsored from editorial content.
Our news stories rely on credible, reputable sources, including but not limited to, official websites and pages, events, company representatives, and other involved parties. We prioritize primary sources when available and cross-reference information from multiple trusted outlets, wherever possible. Sources for content are stated in the news articles at the end of the article while features and other longer forms have hyperlinks for relevant information in the text.
Anime Atelier has a strict no-leak policy.
Artificial Intelligence
Anime Atelier also has a strict policy against content that has been generated using artificial intelligence. This type of content will not be used in writing or for illustrative purposes.
Editorial Integrity
We do not publish sensationalist or misleading content. Our primary goal is to inform, educate, and engage our audience with well-researched pieces focused on the topics outlined above. We avoid using clickbait headlines and strive to maintain the trust of our readers by prioritizing substance and fact-checked, accurate information.
Reader Engagement
We encourage our readers to participate in constructive discussions and debates by using the comments section on Anime Atelier. The Anime Atelier team reserves the right to moderate comments or remove content that violates our community standards, including hate speech, harassment, or misinformation.
Privacy and Data Protection
We respect the privacy of our readers and contributors. Any personal information shared with us through our website is in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations and in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) under the Ghost Foundation’s Data Processing Agreement.
You can learn more via our Privacy Policy.
Editorial Updates
We regularly review and update our editorial policy to ensure that it reflects our standards and practices. Any significant changes to this policy will be clearly communicated to our readers.
If you have any questions or concerns about our editorial practices, please don’t hesitate to contact us.